Module 4 Greisenization Part (II)
In this module we will continue simulating the alteration of leucogranite during greisenization and Sn mobility. You will learn how to set up an open system Process
simulation using the single flow-through reactor (R) mode. This mode is the simplest implementation of reactive transport in one box or cell. This is generally a good start before starting more complex 1-D reactive transport simulations using sequential reactors (multiple boxes or cells) such at those implemented in the GEMS2MT module.
You will learn about two simulations types that can be set up in the single flow-through reactor (R) mode (from the GEMS help files):
In the “Leaching” mode, at each pass (i.e. Process step), one can follow how the solid part evolves while reacting with a “fresh” fluid of constant composition.
In the “Flushing” mode, at each pass (i.e. Process step), one can follow how the fluid part evolves while reacting with the “fresh” solid part of constant composition .
We will use the GEMS project file “Module4” that can be found either in the /Tutorial/Module4 workshop folder or download it directly here. Note that if you completed successfully Module 3, you can continue using this project for Module 4.
4.1 Multi-pass (leaching) model
A multi-pass model consists of consecutive batches of fresh (unreacted) greisen fluids (Fluid 1) reacting with a leucogranite (Rock 1) to simulate the alteration mineralogy during the formation of a hydrothermal quartz vein and alteration halo in the granite. This model can be set up using the R mode in Process
simulation and choosing the leaching modeling scenario (Fig. 4.1).
To set up such a model, we need a PCO for the rock (R_leucogranite) and fluid (Fluid_greisen), which were already prepared in Module 3, and we need to create a parent system equilibrium record.
- Create the parent system records in
by cloning the two records you already created in Module 3; Greisen_Fl records at 250 and 450 \(^\circ\)C and 4 kbar. Rename these system records to “Rock_leach,” and leave all the other parameters. For the input take for now 100 g of fluid and 1000 g of rock using theOpen recipe dialog
(Fig. 4.2). Calculate the equilibrium. Save.
Switch to
simulation and clone your record built for the titration model in Module 3. Select your parent chemical system equilibria record "Rock\_leach" at 450 \(^\circ\)C (Figs. 4.3).Name the simulation task "Rock-leaching\_450C" and use as simulation code R this time instead of S (Figs. 4.4 and 4.5).
In the next window tick the option “Leaching: Compos source,” select the fluid (Fluid\_greisen), then select the rock (R\_leucogranite) as illustrated in Figure 4.6. Make sure to the follow the exact sequence shown in Figure 4.6 so the script generated by the wizard will work automatically.
Click Next… Finish.
Check the
window; the set up should look like Figure 4.7.Switch the
tab and select the variable “J” for the x-axis, which represents the number of fluid aliquots passed through the rock. Click on an empty area to register the change, then save the record and click .Plot the results and scale the x- and y-axis to inspect the results, which should look similar to Figure 4.8. Note you can also modify the number of fluid aliquots by varying the number variable as indicated in Figure 4.6, e.g. instead of 200 use 400 aliquots. Do not forget you need to use
to be able to do this, as in yourResults
tab the program will need to add 200 rows in the table, which cannot be done by only changing the numbers in the “Controls” tab window.Try now to change the fluid/rock ratio, for example using 1000 g fluid and 1000 g rock (f/r of 1). To do this switch to
, select the parent record and choose 1000 g fluid instead of 100, calculate the equilibrium and save. Go back to theProcess
window and re-calculate the multipass leaching model. In the pop-up window select “Yes” to plot the graph during the simulations!
Note (advanced users): Alternatively, the solid/fluid ratio can be set directly in the Process simulation mode using the ipe iterator (i.e., ipe[0,0] cell), and by uncommenting the following script in the Controls tab $cpe =: (J>0? cpe: cNu/phM[{aq_gen}]);
4.2 Modify P-T of the leaching model
To change the model temperature, we are now going to create a new “Rock_leach” simulation by cloning the Process record and selecting the correspond parent chemical system at 250 °C (Fig. 4.10).
Click next and Finish.
In the
window change the temperature to 250 °C. Make sure to save the record (Fig. 4.11).Click
and plot the results. The simulated mineralogy should be similar to Figures 4.12 and 4.13.
4.3 Single-pass flushing and cooling model
This time we simulate the evolution of a single batch of fluid reacting progressively with more granite upon cooling and look at the evolution of the fluid composition. The conceptual model is represented by a single-pass of a fluid interacting at each step with fresh granite.
This model can also be set up using the R mode in Process
simulation and choosing the flushing modeling scenario (Fig. 4.1).
Create the parent system records in
by cloning the Rock_leach model created earlier at 450 °C and 4 kbar. Rename this system records to “Rock_flush,” and leave all the other parameters (Fig. 4.14).Calculate the equilibrium. Save.
Switch to
simulation and clone one of the “Rock-leaching” models by electing your parent record “Rock_flush” created previously at 450 °C and 4 kbar (Fig. 4.15).Call the new record “Rock-flushing-cool” and use the code R for the process simulation mode (Fig. 4.16).
Change the system parameters in the next Process wizard window to cool your system from 450 down to 250 °C at 4 kbar. Select the “Flushing: Compos source” model and the other options shown in Figure 4.17. Make sure to the follow the exact sequence so the script generated by the wizard will work automatically.
In the following window select the sampling parameters. Here we will choose log of total dissolved Sn (lgm_t, molality) and log activity (lga) of the aqueous Sn species as shown in Figure 4.18. For selecting the x-axis, select Scalars on the left then right-click on cTC and select abscissa.
Check the “Sampling” tab, if not the same use to select the dissolved aqueous species to plot. Note for the x-axis we chose the temperature in \(^\circ\)C (cTC).
Finally, click . The results should look similar to